Savings calculator

Enter the details of your savings and press the calculate.

The initial savings amount.

The monthly savings amount.

The average annual interest rate.

The average annual inflation rate.

The number of years to save over.

The amount to consider as the investment into the fund.


The expected annual rate of return of the investment.

Note: These calculations are only for illustrative purposes and are not a substitute for professional advice.

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This firm is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 but we are able in certain circumstances to offer a limited range of investment services to clients because we are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. We can provide these investment services if they are an incidental part of the professional services we have been engaged to provide.

Registered to carry out audit work in the UK and regulated for a range of investment activities by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Our registration number is C001366129 and details can be found on Also practising as Manningtons Ltd. Company No. 04988891 Registered in England & Wales at the above address.